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These rugs are more formal, with smaller knotting, a defined pattern and more sheen.


These rugs are more formal, with smaller knotting, a defined pattern and more sheen.

Patterns that evoke history — like florals, medallions and palmettes — distinguish these rugs.


Patterns that evoke history — like florals, medallions and palmettes — distinguish these rugs.

Relaxed and casual, these rugs have a minimalist design, soft colors, and the vibe of easy living.


Relaxed and casual, these rugs have a minimalist design, soft colors, and the vibe of easy living.

Clean and linear in design, these rugs are marked by abstract, geometric and less centered patterns.


Clean and linear in design, these rugs are marked by abstract, geometric and less centered patterns.

The picture of comfort and warmth, these rugs tend to be chunky and textured, with a high, plush pile.


The picture of comfort and warmth, these rugs tend to be chunky and textured, with a high, plush pile.


Mid tone


These repeating botanical patterns may be stylized or rounded.


Repeated linear shapes, such as diamonds, distinguish this pattern.


Texture, not pattern, is the hallmark of these rugs.


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